PCOS to Pregnant Protocol
What if you could regulate your cycles, restore ovulation and
increase your fertility so you can FINALLY fall pregnant?
I help women with PCOS to fall pregnant without resorting to medication or fertility treatment even if feel like you have already tried everything.
Does this sound like you?
You know that in order to improve you fertility with PCOS, you need to make changes to your nutrition and lifestyle.
You know your diet is impacting on your fertility but you don’t understand how to fix it
You feel confused and overwhelmed about what diet and lifestyle changes you need to make
Social media and doctor Google keep giving you conflicting information
Your doctor wants you to go on medication or consider fertility treatment, but that’s not what you want
You’ve been told that losing weight will help but despite all your efforts your weight isn’t budging
You are worried that time is running out and you are stressed about how long it is going to take to fall pregnant
Navigating fertility with PCOS is so challenging. It’s no wonder you feel confused, overwhelmed and at a loss at to what to do.
As a degree-qualified Nutritionist who has dedicated her work to supporting women with PCOS to improve their fertility and finally fall pregnant, I have the perfect solution for you.
The PCOS to Pregnant Protocol is a 12-week personalised nutrition program that will help you to regulate your cycle, restore ovulation, improve fertility and finally fall pregnant with a happy, healthy, baby.
Get from PCOS to Pregnant in 4 Simple Steps
Your initial health assessment and comprehensive PCOS fertility blood test will give a clear picture of your current health, fertility and the personalised changes that you will need to make to get you from PCOS to pregnant.
Uncover the underlying drivers of your PCOS and fertility issues and why it's preventing you from falling pregnant. Get clear on the steps you need to take to fix it for good.
Have a clear nutrition plan that is personalised to you to support your fertility. Learn which foods will help you prepare for pregnancy and correct your underlying PCOS drivers.
Receive your customised supplement prescription based on you health assessment and blood test results. Optimise your fertility, egg quality and influence pregnancy outcomes and baby health.
Inside the PCOS to Pregnant Protocol you will:
✔️ Uncover what is driving your PCOS and know how to fix it
✔️ Discover what has been stopping you from falling pregnant with PCOS
✔️ Have a clear plan that is personalised to you and doesn’t leave you feeling starved or deprived of things you love
✔️ Restore ovulation
✔️ Regulate your cycle
✔️ Improve your fertility
✔️ FINALLY falling pregnant with a happy, healthy baby
What my clients are saying
Erin's cycles went from 70 to 35 days in a matter of weeks.
“Before I started the PCOS to Pregnant Protocol my cycles were at least 70 days long. I had no idea if I was ovulating and was desperate to fall pregnant. My doctor sent me away and told me I needed to lose some weight before they would do anything. After only a few weeks on the program, my cycles have now reduced to 35 days, and I am ovulating again. Felicity has helped me understand my underlying drivers of PCOS and has shown me how to track ovulation accurately to help me conceive when we are ready.”
Alexandra fell pregnant in 8 weeks after struggling with absent cycles for years.
“Before investing in the PCOS to pregnant program I was struggling with a lot of things. I had recently experienced miscarriages after trying to conceive for a long time and even prior to that, I hadn't had a cycle for over a year and that was 'normal for me' despite what I did I couldn't seem to change that. Now I am so much more knowledgeable about what food I put into my body and how this affects me. I am a lot more mindful and it's amazing to know that things can change for the better.”
Mel finally felt in control of her hormones and sugar cravings.
“Working with Felicity has changed my life! She helped me get my hormones back in check as well as manage the roller coaster ride of sugar highs through her Metabolic Balance program. Her program was a real game changer and not just another fad diet. It was a lifestyle change that is manageable and realistic to maintain. I now feel like I am living the life I always wanted to but never really found the right way to do it! Felicity provided constant support along the way and I am so glad I found her! ”
If you want to learn how to increase your fertility and finally fall pregnant,
I have something for you…
The PCOS to Pregnant Protocol
A 12-week program for women with PCOS who are struggling to fall pregnant
What makes the PCOS to Pregnant Protocol different?
Together we will identify your unique drivers of PCOS and work to correct them through personalised diet and lifestyle changes. This is no one-size-fits-all approach.
I am with you every step of the way to provide support, guidance and accountability so you stick with the plan long enough to get results. Weekly calls mean you get more support from me.
Not only will. you get support from me, you will be surrounded by a community of women who also have PCOS and who are also trying to fall pregnant.
Far from it actually. The online modules are packed full of everything you need to know to fall pregnant with PCOS, but the real transformation comes from combining the online modules with group calls, personalised changes and community.
Are you ready to FINALLY fall pregnant with PCOS?
Apply below for your place in the PCOS to Pregnant Protocol and you will receive:
60 minute private 1:1 intake session with me ($190 value)
PCOS-specific blood test referral ($400 value)
Personalised nutrition plan by Metabolic Balance ($595 value)
Customised supplement prescription ($190 value)
Additional 1:1 consultation to go through your plan, test results & prescription ($190 value)
Weekly group check-in calls ($2000 value)
Online modules, resources and print outs for total transformation ($500 value)
Private Facebook support group for regular support between check-in calls ($200 value)
Total value… $4265
Did I mention BONUSES?!
Male Fertility Training ($200 value)
It takes two to tango, even when PCOS is on the scene. Get your male partner on board and get him making positive changes for fertility too. Optimise your chances of conceiving, improve pregnancy outcomes AND impact on the long-term health of your baby-to-be!
Cycle Tracking Training ($200 value)
Get to know your cycle intimately. Learn how to use basal body temperature and cervical mucus tracking to ACCURATELY predict and confirm ovulation, ditch the ovulation test kits, get timing of intercourse spot on, and finally fall pregnant.
I’m a Nutritionist and Metabolic Balance coach. Years ago, when I opened my nutrition clinic women with PCOS kept walking through my clinic door with no idea where to start on their fertility journey.
They'd been told to 'just lose some weight', 'take this medication' or that they 'would need fertility treatment' to fall pregnant.
The approaches that these women were taking were not addressing the underlying drivers of their PCOS. They had tried every diet under the sun only to be left starving, still suffering from PCOS and still not pregnant.
So, I started searching for the right solution...
I developed the ultimate 5 step method for addressing PCOS underlying causes, regulating menstrual cycles, restoring ovulation and increasing fertility for my clients with PCOS.
And so, my 4 step method, the PCOS to Pregnant Protocol was born!
And the results my clients began having been life-changing (quite literally!).
Hey, I’m Felicity.
You have questions.
I have answers.
Increasing fertility with PCOS takes time and commitment. For each week of the 12-week program you will need to set aside 30-60 minutes for the weekly calls and another 30-60 minutes per week to work through the online modules. You will also need to be prepared to spend time planning your meals and cooking at home. You need to be ready for change and willing to do what it takes!
That’s perfect! Honestly, the longer we have to heal your PCOS and prepare your body for pregnancy the better. It is never too early to start preparing and any changes that you make to your health now will only improve your chances of falling pregnant when you are ready, have a positive impact on pregnancy outcomes and even impact of the health of your future baby-to-be!
If you are unsure about anything, the best place to start is to book a free call where we can chat about your situation and I can assess whether or not the program is right for you. If not, that’s okay! I can point you in the right direction of where you can get the support that you need on your fertility or health journey.
The first step is booking your intake session with me. Here we chat about your health history, diet and anything else that may be impacting your fertility. Then you go off and get some blood tests done while I generate your personalised nutrition plan. Throughout the 12 weeks, we touch base weekly in the online portal and on group calls and I support you through the changes that have been prescribed for you. You will spend some time each week working through the online modules.
The program is designed to arm you with the tools you need to improve your fertility. These changes can take time and each woman that I take through the program has a different journey from PCOS to Pregnant. But don’t worry, I always offer ongoing support for those that need it and for as long as you need it! I also love to continue to support you throughout pregnancy, postpartum and beyond!
The personalised nutrition plan is based on simple, whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, meat, fish and dairy. The meals can be kept very simple and can easily be prepared in under 10 minutes. If you are a foodie (same!) you can get as creative as you like and still enjoy many of the meals that you have previously enjoyed, just adapting them to suit your nutrition. You will definitely not go hungry!
Currently the calls are on Tuesday at 5:30pm. If you can’t make the calls you that’s okay. The call times depending on whois in the program and when they can attend a call.
Unfortunately, no. There are so many different factors that can effect a couples ability to fall pregnant naturally. We will work together to do everything we can to improve your chances on conceiving as soon as possible. Have I ever had a client do the program and think that they had wasted their time or money? No. There is only positives to gain from changing your diet and lifestyle, improving your fertility, better understanding your body and impacting on your health and your future baby-to-be’s health.
Great! I love answering your questions. Book in a free call and I can answer your questions there.
Still not sure if the program is right for you?
The PCOS to Pregnant Protocol is for you if…
✔️ You have been diagnosed with PCOS and you are struggling to fall pregnant
✔️ You have been diagnosed with PCOS and want to improve your chances of falling pregnant naturally
✔️ You know you need to change your diet and lifestyle but you don’t know where to start
✔️ You are willing and able to prepare simple meals with whole foods
✔️ You are open and willing to make changes to improve your fertility
✔️ You feel like you have tried everything to improve your fertility but nothing seems to be working
✔️ You are desperate to do what it takes to finally fall pregnant with PCOS
✔️ You are confused and overwhelmed about all the conflicting information online about PCOS
Let’s do this!
So what are you waiting for?
If you are ready to FINALLY fall pregnant with PCOS click below to join
The PCOS to Pregnant Protocol
12-week nutrition & lifestyle program for women with PCOS who are struggling to fall pregnant