My Metabolic Balance Journey

Metabolic Balance is a personalised nutrition program that I offer in my clinic. I chose to become a qualified Metabolic Balance practitioner after experiencing the health benefits of this program myself. Read on to learn more about my personal health journey.


My Metabolic Balance Journey

After the birth of my second daughter Lucinda, in 2017, something just wasn’t quite right. Despite eating well, returning to exercise and having a great support network around me.

Unlike my first daughter Audrey, Lucinda was a newborn who slept well, was super calm and content for most of the day and breastfeeding was easy from the get go. Yet, I still had low energy. I was hanging on to more excess weight than I would have liked. I had unstable moods and I struggled to bounce out of bed in the morning.

I put it all down to getting older, now having two children and the fact that Audrey, who was now 3 years old, still wasn’t sleeping well.

A problem

Then, towards the end of 2018 I came down with a bad bout of mastitis. A breast infection mostly seen in breastfeeding mothers. It came on really quickly. Despite being able to self-manage mastitis in the past, I ended up in hospital on IV antibiotics for a few days to treat the infection.

After finishing the treatment for mastitis, being home with my family and focussing on recovering and nourishing my body, I felt even worse than before.

Over the next few months, I put on a lot of weight. All without changing anything in my diet and exercise routine. I woke up feeling puffy every morning. My energy levels continued to drop. My menstrual cycle went haywire. My digestion was extremely sluggish and I just felt flat.

At the time, I was in the depths of my Nutrition degree learning about different conditions and how nutrition and lifestyle can help those conditions. The more a read and learnt about thyroid function, I realised I was experiencing many of the symptoms. And as my mum and dad both have thyroid conditions, alarm bells started to go off.

A diagnosis

I went to my doctor to get my thyroid function checked. Sure enough, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune condition that affects thyroid function.

I started taking thyroid medication, tweaked a few things in my already healthy diet and waited to feel better. Initially, my symptoms did ease but I still couldn’t shift any weight and my hormones were still out of whack.

A solution

For 6 months I tried different ways of eating to help manage Hashimoto’s without much success. I started working with a nutritionist, Hayley, who ran Metabolic Balance in her clinic. I saw the amazing results that Hayley’s clients were getting with Metabolic Balance. So, decided to give it a go myself.

I followed my Metabolic Balance program strictly for around 10 weeks. In that time, I no longer woke up feeling puffy. I got my energy back and it was consistent throughout the day. I lost 10kgs of excess weight that I was carrying. And joint pain that I had as result of contracting Ross River Virus a few months earlier, disappeared.

I also had my thyroid antibodies rechecked (antibodies that attack and damage thyroid tissue) and they had significantly reduced. I still have some work to do, but this was a major milestone for me.

So, naturally, I decided to train to become a Metabolic Balance practitioner. I wanted to be able help other women and men who feel like they have tried everything, but it just isn’t working.

So, what is Metabolic Balance?

Metabolic Balance is based on personalising your nutrition to reach your health goals rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. With Metabolic Balance you receive a personalised nutrition plan based on you current health, health history, health goals and blood test results.

There are no shakes. No meal replacements. No supplements (unless required for a particular health issue). No calorie counting and no extreme intense exercise regimes. All that is involved is eating real whole foods that are specifically chosen for you and your body.

Metabolic Balance focuses on managing metabolic hormone levels. To bring your body back into balance, increase energy, stabilise moods, reach a healthy weight for your body and balance hormones.

Metabolic Balance can help with many health issues including:

  • unwanted weight gain

  • insulin resistance

  • PCOS

  • endometriosis

  • diabetes management

  • peri-menopause and menopause symptoms

  • hormone imbalances – PMS, headaches

  • fertility issues

  • joint pain

Want to learn more?

Head here to learn more about how I run Metabolic Balance in my clinic and online.

If you are feeling ready to take the next step, book in for a free introductory call. There we can have a chat about what is going on for you and see if Metabolic Balance is right for you.


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